Monday, July 7, 2008

The first post.

Le Mal has gone through several major revisions to get it up to this very point. It started out as an idea from a long-lost forum member at, who's name I cannot recall (if someone can remember his name, please contact me. I would like to know). Since then, has been replaced by a newer improved forum known as It's to this forum that I thank for the support and constructive criticism received from members. Without this, I would not have even started this project.

It started off as simply an idea, and without even giving it a second thought, I thrust myself into making a good 20 minutes worth of gameplay. RTP or not, I thought it was a decent attempt. Leaving it be, it sat on my hard-disk for a good six months or so as I waited for someone to make some graphics for me. Unfortunately this was not the case. Deals with the artists fell through, and I learnt the hard way that if you want to get something done in this world, you have to argue, bitch and scream until you're blue in the face, or learn how to do it and do it yourself. I chose the latter.

A hard-drive format later, and after realizing that I had not copied all the necessary files from the hard disk to the external, I was back to square one, with naut but the story in my head. Bereft of the many projects that littered my hard-drive, I took a break from making games and resources and let life take me.

Six months later, here I am. I have updated most parts of the game, my focal point being the storyline and characters. Now the game will focus on the German campaign as apposed to other games that only show the opinions of the allies. Personally, I enjoy a good WW2 movie as much as the next guy, but making a game on the Axis gives a certain degree of writing freedom not achievable by designing for the Allies.

More on this later. Now I've got to go make some resources.

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